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I am ME
a girl who did alot of obit things IN E PAST.. seems to be nerdy last time but not really nerdy.. who likes to tok alot but oso have her quiet moments too.. luv to travel oso.. though hav no $$ to spare.. n most imptly.. hav learn the skills of 偷得浮生半日闲:)

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08/08/08went out with dear ps n mh for dinner @ or...
East coast park w tongmos + alliance
cardiac outings~
dreaming is good for health~

Music Here!

e most scandalous chalet ever~
Written at Sunday, September 21, 2008 | back to top

it has been a long time since i blog here.. nothing much to blog abt.. nothing new is happening to mi.. not very exciting oso leh..

jus came back from a scandalous chalet with my friends.. as usual.. it's the tongmos & alliance chalet.. n as u can see.. the theme of the chalet is a scandalous one.. cos this chalet.. we din really do any outdoor activities leh.. ok.. first dae of chalet we went to giant first.. to get all the stuffs tat we need n after tat proceed to check in to our chalet.. e room was big leh.. somemore still got microwave over there.. n dvd player too.. n e tongmos nt very good.. have u ever seen some1 who will read ur bd infront of u n tell u to pretend tat u never see anything? they did this to mi.. make my heart itch itch lo.. n so sneaky.. cover dun let mi see.. nt very good..

n wad we do here is mostly indoor tok eat n slp only.. n becos of this.. we had a heart to heart tok on e 2nd dae of the chalet.. i oso dunno why it happen.. cos morning i went to work ma.. onli join them in e afternoon.. n when i go back there.. they ald started this topic.. so whoever lost the dai-dee will choose truth or dare la.. n so.. their qns is the scandalous event tat we have during the past 10years.. but 10yrs seems to be abit long la.. tat means it all started when we are 11yrs old?? n this qns is given by the pinky small angel(tortoise) lo.. suspect her hav ya'yan yu' when she was 11yrs old.. but i didn't play the dai-dee la.. cos lazy to play la.. wake up so early to go work whereby the previous nite i slept @ 2am.. so tiring.. so i offer to tell them my scandalous event tat happen to mi la.. n eventually frm truth or dare session became a heart to heart tok session... n becos our dear tortoise is abit sick.. so her metabolism is abit high?? as such, we need to feed her things to eat every 30mins so tat she wun fall aslp la.. n true enuff everytime we feed her food, she become very energetic str away-_-"... n halfway thru e session.. we stop for our lunch? which is cup noodles la.. n @ this pt.. e 2 tongmos went out la.. they are very mysterious lo.. sae wan to buy vcds la.. in e end.. they bring back a choc cake to celebrate tortoise n my bd lo.. so sweet of them rite.. so 'got heart'.. n the cake is nice oso.. then back to the heart to heart tok session.. we interview 1 by 1.. so every1 gets to sae out.. but i seriously still think tat my toNgmo still got scandalous thing never tell lo.. ask her wad scandalous event she have she never sae anything.. abit weird.. later on... bubu n toMgmo hav to leave early cos they hav another chalet to attend to.. they are 4ever so busy.. n left onli mi, toNgmo n tortoise lo.. n while waiting for xiuli to come.. we watch tv.. go to e ntuc there n see see look look.. then when she comes.. we tell her our scandalous things again.. n she still the same la.. soft spoken.. soft soft.. n hshe become more 'shu nu'? as in her dressing sense is diff ald.. more pretty nw.. n she dye her haor.. n she sae she dye very long le.. so frm here can see tat we long time never meet each other le.. 1yr n 3mths ald.. tok to her.. eat dinner with her.. watch tv.. n i think alliance pattern is e same la.. eat ald then feel slpy.. she slept lo.. n so.. another alliance soon oso fell alsp.. n soon.. mi too.. i think i jus lie down for like less than 5mins onli.. i slp until the morning.. n jy sae tat when xiuli wake up.. mi n tortoise slp like pig like tat.. they tok so loud we oso never wake up.. n when she go off we oso never wake up despite they sae bye bye so loud.. cannot blame mi ma.. the previous nite i onli slp like 4hrs? not enuff slp la.. then e 3rd dae.. we decide to eat wad's left in e fridge.. n eat until very full.. n then check out ald.. n b4 we check out.. i still very kind help them to tidy up e place abit.. i think i hav been doing tidying up job every since we check in frm the 1st dae.. no choice la.. got 'jie pi'..

after tat.. went to a jap high sch festival.. to look at the pretty girls n handsome boys.. hahaa.. went to meet tortoise first n after tat met bubu n jone there.. walk ard e sch.. went to their tea ceremony whereby they will demo hw they prep a tea n they will serve u a cuo of tea each leh.. n the way they serve u.. u definitely wun get serve by singaporeans de.. they are very courteous.. n all the girls are pretty n cute lo.. in their traditional costumes... then after tat went to raffles city to hav dinner with them together with toNgmo.. cos my dear toMgmo is tired.. lazy to come out n so we go w/o her la.. we still crap alot along e way n though we are tokign rubbish we still got go do e things we r suppose to do lo.. okie.. tat's all.. abit tired ald.. fotos will post it soob.. sayonara..