yesterdae was a gathering with my cardiac friends... first mi n nana went to Mr prata shop to eat prata after our work.. we walk for a very long time before we get to see the shop lo... burning fats first b4 eating n gaining more fats after eating... finally after 25mins of walk like tat.. we finally get to see the PRATA shop le! so we both wan to walk quickly but in the end still walk very slowly cos we hav no more energy le... so when we reach we order seafood prata.. cheese n mushroom prata.. masala prata... n tissue prata with chocolate... see hw greedy we are.. jus the 2 of us.. hehe.. but jus when we decide to order.. i saw the indian rojak store saying hi to mi.. as if wanting mi to eat them up.. so we decided to abandon tissue with chocolate prata and go for the tempting indian rojak.. actually i really hav a big big stomach.. n thus contributing to the size i hav todae.. hehe.. beside us sit the 2 couple.. n they saw us eating indian rojak... after tat comes the cheese with mushroom prata.. e wife sitting beside mi was abit stunned as descibe by nana.. after tat comes the masala prata.. the wife more stunned.. n finally the seafood prata.. the wife mus be very stunned.. haha.. as if we are the one pregnant n not her.. hehe.. so we can't finish n i decided to call up my best friend n persuade her to come la.. which i think she doesn't hav a choice..
after tat went to nana hse to play mahjong.. chit chat... n oso the kidnapping session(organise by the kidnapper gang)... here are some fotos...
a evil strokey 'ghost' behing mien you..
the 2 kidnappers who kidnap nana n my
hungry 'ghost' in action....
my best frien despise my toes lo... guess which one is mine?? is my toes tat funny??